Filing Your Tax Return On Time in Hong Kong to Inland Revenue Department (IRD)
The Inland Revenue Department (IRD) Hong Kong requires taxpayers in Hong Kong to file their tax returns within one month from the date of issues of the returns.
The 2018/19 tax returns were issued to taxpayers in Hong Kong on 2 May 2019. The deadline for the submission of these returns will be on 3 June 2019.
Sole proprietors are required to file their tax returns in Hong Kong within 3 months, which means this must be completed before 2 August 2019. For those filing their taxes through the e-filing system, an automatic 1-month extension will be permitted.
eTax users can file their tax returns online and could have their deadlines extended to 2 July 2019. Sole proprietors filing their tax returns online can extend the deadline to 2 September 2019. Those with an eTax account can simply log into to file and check their tax returns.
If you have not received your tax return because you have recently changed your postal address, you must notify the IRD of this change immediately to obtain a duplicate copy of your tax return. To request for a duplicate form from the IRD, you will need to fill out a form (like the sample below) and fax it to the IRD’s fax number at 2877 1232. Alternatively, you may choose to mail it to the IRD at the following address:
GPO Box 132, Hong Kong
You may also submit the completed form to in person at the IRD’s Enquiry Service Centre at:
1/F, Revenue Tower,
5 Gloucester Road, Wan Chai
You may follow the same process if you only wish to receive a duplicate tax return too. As for concerns or enquiries about the eTax system, users can contact the IRD hotline directly on 183 2011.