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How to Verify a Company in Hong Kong? – Steps You Need to Take
Find Out if a Company is Valid Before Committing to Any Business Transaction
With a lot of companies being set up these days, the best way to keep yourself safe is by verifying a company in Hong Kong. This guide provide help on How to Verify a Company in Hong Kong?
There are a lot of unscrupulous individuals who won’t hesitate to take advantage of unsuspecting clients. It is highly recommended that everyone conduct a quick search to determine the reliability and validity of a company. Especially if you’re going to forge a business relationship with them that involves a big financial investment.
In Hong Kong, the way to verify if a business is who they claim to be would be through the Integrated Companies Registry Information System (ICRIS).
Step 1
To begin the process of verifying a company in Hong Kong, you will need to head over to the ICRIS’s website. Their Cyber Search Centre is where you will carry out your online searches. You have the option of either doing it in Chinese or English. The current database of all the companies registered in Hong Kong will be listed here. You will also have access to the image records of any documents related to the company kept by the Registrar of Companies.
Step 2
The next step in the process is to select the “Unregistered User” option. Choose from the option that applies to you, click Accept, Submit and finally, Login.
Step 3
Head to the Search option and proceed to type in the company’s name. After doing that, you should be able to see the status and details of the company you’re searching for.
It is not uncommon to conduct a search before entering into any business venture with a Hong Kong company for the first time. In fact, it is highly recommended that you verify a company in Hong Kong before you commit to any transaction with them. This measure keeps you safe from fake companies that are out to scam you.