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Bankruptcy and Winding-up Online Search Service in Hong Kong
An online search service for bankruptcy, individual voluntary arrangement and compulsory winding-up records help users check whether a person is bankrupt or is facing a bankruptcy petition, is or has been subject to an individual voluntary arrangement or if a company is wound-up or is facing a compulsory winding-up petition. However, the Official Receiver’s Office does not keep records of companies being wound-up voluntarily. The computer system also does not keep records of compulsory winding-up cases closed before 1984. With a small fee, the general public can use this service. This service can be accessed from wherever you’re at, at any time with just a computer connected to the Internet. By using this service, you can save valuable resources and time.
Steps of the Online Search Service on Bankruptcy and Winding-up
This service is easy to use with a few simple steps. First key-in your bankruptcy, individual voluntary arrangement or compulsory winding-up into the input fields. Then the search results will be instantly displayed online once payment is made, if necessary. A maximum of five (5) searches can be made in each submission except for the batch compulsory winding-up search. Take note that you could also use your reference number to retrieve the search report(s) within seven (7) days from the transaction date by using the Re-print Search Report function.
There are certain points to note when inputting the Search Criteria. The first is that the words ‘company limited’ must be typed in full as the abbreviation ‘co. ltd.’ is not allowed. The second is if there is a Christian name, key it in after the other name without a comma between them. The last criteria are if you’re going to type in Mandarin, only Traditional Chinese characters will be accepted.
Payment for Bankruptcy or Compulsory Winding-up
A fee of HK$80 for each bankruptcy or compulsory winding-up search request. There are a few methods of payment such as PPS, VISA, MasterCard, JCB or Union Pay. Before you make payment, take note that all contents of the search reports are based on the Official Receiver’s Office’s database records around the time of search or an earlier time as otherwise advised online. This database is updated only to the extent of the information and documents that are made available to the Official Receiver’s Office.
Apart from an online search, you could also search via post or in person. To conduct the search in person, you can proceed to do so by visiting 10/F, Queensway Government Offices, 66 Queensway, Hong Kong. You could either fill in an application form provided at the counter or use the computer terminals to perform the search. To conduct the search via mail, you need to mail a completed search application form, along with a cheque of the required fee, to 10/F, Queensway Government Offices, 66 Queensway, Hong Kong.