Understanding Profit Tax Returns

Profit Tax ReturnsProfit Tax Returns in Hong Kong are mandatory for businesses operating as corporations, partnerships, or non-resident entities. The three series of tax return forms cater to Corporations (BIR51),

Persons Other Than Corporations (BIR52), and Non-Resident Persons (BIR54), while supplementary forms (BIRS1 to BIRS18) and additional forms (IR1478 & IR1479) report on preferential regimes, tax incentives, specified foreign-sourced income, and family-owned investment holding vehicles.

Electronic submission of these forms is required from April 2023, with printed Control Lists necessary for paper submissions. Fiscal year-end selection, crucial for tax timing, is flexible but influences profits tax payment schedules. Newly registered businesses typically receive their first return 18 months after commencement, and the annual bulk issue occurs every April. Filing deadlines vary but can be extended under specific schemes, encouraging electronic filing for efficiency.