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Trademark Registration Services in Hong Kong – Register Trademark For Your Business

Trademark Registration Services in Hong KongA trademark, as the name implies, is the face of your company or your brand. Trademark comes in many forms, whether it is in the form of words, logos, pictures, names, numbers or taglines, it is always used in trade to identify the source of products or services as well as to distinguish it from other similar brands or competitors in the marketplace. Engage our associate’s trademark registration services in Hong Kong having your trademark registered will give you the exclusive right to use your mark for the goods or services that it covers in the country that your trademark is registered in the country.


Trademark Registration in Hong Kong

Trademark registration in Hong Kong is currently governed by the Trade Marks Ordinance (Cap. 559) and Trade Marks Rules (Cap. 559A) (effective 4 April, 2003). Hong Kong adopts the first-to-file basis for trademark protection in the country. Trademark registration in Hong Kong is valid for 10 years from the application date and it is renewable (for 10 years) before the expiry date.

1. Search and Preliminary Advice Services

As the title suggests, Search and Preliminary Advice services is the search service before applying for a trademark which can tell you whether your trademark will be accepted for registration.

  • Search service (HK$400 plus HK$200 for every additional class of goods or services): this paid service will help you to search for any identical or similar marks on the Trade Marks Register.
  • Do-it-yourself: you can research at the online Trade Mark Search system before making your application.
  • Preliminary advice service (HK$400 with HK$200 per every additional class of goods or services): this paid service will let you know if your mark is sufficiently distinctive or otherwise.

2. Application Fees

  • Trademark registration in one class of goods or services: HK$2,000
  • For each additional class of goods or services: HK$1,000

3. Application Process of Trademark Registration

  • Submit the application form (Form T2), and the applicant will receive the allotted application number.
  • Deficiencies checking – it is the usual form vetting process to ensure the application form(s) are duly completed with no omission of any attachments or missing information.
  • Search & Examination – the search and examination process follows after the deficiencies checking – it is a search process of the trademarks records to rule out the likelihood of the same or similar trademark has already been registered or been applied for by another trader.
  • Objections – If the proposed application does not meet requirements for registration, the mark will be objected. The applicant will then be given 6 months to revise and meet the requirements.
  • Publication of Trademark – Once a trademark has been accepted for registration, it will be published in the Hong Kong Intellectual Property Journal.
  • Registration – at this stage, the Registrar of Trade Marks will enter the details of your trademark into the trademarks register. You will be issued with a certificate of registration and the notice of the registration will be published in the Hong Kong Intellectual Property Journal. Please note that the registration of your trademark will date back to the filing date of application. In other words, as the owner of a registered trademark, the rights take effect from the filing date of the application.

Trademark Registration Services in Hong Kong


Our associates will help you in the trademark registration professionally. Contact us today if you need the professionals to handle your trademark registration in Hong Kong!